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Testosterone Powder

» Injectable Steroids » Testosterone Powder

  • Specifications

1-testosterone (dihydroboldenone), or DHB for short, is an anabolic steroid that has some unique properties of interest to bodybuilders. Interestingly, in spite of the fact that the name can be confusing, in no way is DHB testosterone. In fact, it is simply the 5alpha reduced form of Equipoise (boldenone), which acts in a completely different way. Therefore, you can think of it as a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) version of equipoise.


Typical cycle

Users will usually kickstart their cycle off with an oral and then stack around 400-500 milligrams (mg) per week of DHB with some long estered testosterone. When you do this, you should also run an aromatase inhibitor (AI) to offset the estrogen increases from testosterone, and you should also use such support supplements as N2Guard.


Female use

Virilization symptoms such as deepening voice, enlarged clitoris, and facial/body hair can occur when females intentionally, or accidentally, run androgenic compounds. As stated above, although DHB on paper is as androgenic as testosterone, that doesn’t mean that it will yield as much androgenic symptoms as testosterone, so females usually chose DHB over testosterone. What’s more, DHB is structurally more similar to primobolan and equipoise than to testosterone, so the virilization risk is lower.

In the end I would only recommend DHB to very experienced females who are aware of the risks, as DHB is in no way a weak steroid. Female users should start low at 25 milligrams (mg) per week, and work their way up to 75mg per week at the most.


Half life

DHB is usually tied to the cypionate ester, hence the half life in that case would be of approximately 8-10 days. It is wise to inject every 4-6 days, and once you stop using DHB, it will take about 4-5 weeks to completely clear your system.

However, DHB is also found in propionate and other ester forms as well. Therefore, the frequency of the necessary injections and the clearance time will greatly depend on the ester you use.


1-testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml Recipes

50 ml @ 200 mg/ml

10g 1-test cyp powder
10cc sryinges
20g needels
25g needles
.22 or .45 whatmans
Cottenseed oil or GSO
steirile, sealed 50ml vial
unsealed 50ml vial
rubber stoppers
glass rod to stir.

1. put 50cc of water in the unsealed vial, and mark where that line was with a marker, and set both vials side by side and mark on the sterile vial.

2. clean out unsealed vial with BA and let dry

3. add 10g 1-test cyp powder to unsealed vial

4. Add 12mls (NOT %) benzyl benzoate to powder

5. Add 3mls benzyl alcohol

4. use glass rod to stir solution, while the powder starts to dissolve.

5. put a pot of water on stove, and bring to a boil

6, add cottonseed Or GSO ,until it is about 3-4 ccs (estimate) shy of the marker line.

6. put rubber stopper on unsealed vial, and put a 25g needle through it.

7. put vial in boiling water until the solution is no longer cloudy.

8. clean off sterile vial stopper with alcohol wipe, and put 25 g needle through it.

9. useing filters, and 10cc sryinges, start to filter the solution into the sterile vial.

10. when all the solution is in the vial, filter more cottenseed oil though the SAME Filter, up to the marker line on vial. reason for this is to push through any 1-test cyp left in the filter.

11. bake solution, with 25g needle in stopper, at 250 degrees for 45 minutes.


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